Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Turn of the Tide?

The above poll put out on July 9th, 2009 shows that the American people now trust the Republicans more than the Democrats on eight out of ten key voting issues. Along with this the poll also indicates the Republicans are gaining ground on the areas known to be Democratic strong points, namely health care and education. How is this a turning of the tide? Let us look back one year ago. During the heat of the presidential elections the same poll released by Rasmussen showed the Democrats leading in nine out of ten key electoral areas. In just 12 short months the left in this country has managed to lose trust on seven, SEVEN key electoral issues with the American people and according to Rasmussen the outlook for healthcare and education isn’t looking so hot either.

Rasmussen is reporting a whopping 14 point decrease in the publics trust for the Democrats on health care!! That’s right. In May the Democrats led the Republicans on the issue of healthcare by eighteen points. They now have a meager 4 point lead. On the issue of education the Dems held a 15 point lead in May over the GOP. That lead has since dwindled to 3 points.

What does all this mean? Is there a turning of the tide in American politics? I am not entirely sure. What I do know is this: trust is earned. The Dems asked the American people to vote for “Change they could believe in.” I would give you a little piece of advice from the movie Braveheart, Mr. President. “Men don’t follow titles. They follow courage.” No one will care in six months that you were the first black president (even though you are only half black) and no one will remember your “Hope” stickers in half that time. No one will care about your campaign rhetoric, your trips to 5 Guys or your grand speeches from the White House lawn. As unemployment reaches 10% and your approval rating is slipping people will be looking your way to make good on the promises you made to them on the campaign trail. Now as someone who knew your were lying through your teeth the entire time I am not disappointed in the least. On the contrary, you have met every expectation and prediction with stunning accuracy. Rise in unemployment? Check. Stagnant housing market? Check. Degrading stock markets? Check.

If you want anyone to remember anything at about you other than the fact that you put this economy in the worst shape it has been in since Carter, I’d suggest you stop being such an idealist and start living in the real world. Because I’ve got to tell you how we say it in the South, “Things a’int lookin’ up for ya there bud!”

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